星期四, 1月 16, 2025
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登陆Switch后,老外就会喜欢王者荣耀吗? | 坛笑风声

近日,在任天堂的直面会上,任天堂公布《Arena of Valor》(海外版的王者)将在Switch上登陆。针对这一现象,国外的玩家讨论热烈。


《王者荣耀》在国内早已是一门现象级的手游,而其在欧洲地区由Proxima Beta代理发布的“海外版王者荣耀”《Arena of Valor》也是火爆异常。近日,在任天堂的直面会上,任天堂公布了一批将在今年年内登陆Nintendo Switch的游戏,其中就包括有《Arena of Valor》。针对这一现象,国外的玩家对此议论纷纷。




At first I tought this was going to be your typical generic moba. turns out it is the second most played moba in the world!

league of legends has a daily active player count of 100 million.

arena of valor has a daily active player count of 55 million.

dota 2 only 12.5 million.

So yeah, turns out arena of valor is THE most played game in china.




Arena of Valor每日活跃玩家数有5500万。

而Dota 2只有1250万。




I’ve been excited to play this. As of now, I don’t anticipate it coming to ios soon so this addition is most welcome. I hope they allow players to play with the joycon and without the joycon on the screen in tablet mode.

While thinking about it, I’m sure that was one of the appealing pitch features for a Switch version.

But I do agree with the poster that mentioned a Pokemon MOBA…or even a Nintendo MOBA. Samus, Kid Icarus, Dr. Mario, Yoshi, and others? I’m hella down for that.




但我希望海报中提到的POKEMON MOBA …甚至是任天堂的MOBA会成为现实。 Samus,Kid Icarus,Mario博士,Yoshi等人?我为此感到失望。



I’ve played this game on Android before and it’s pretty good for a mobile MOBA,especially with how unique its heroes are (it literally has Batman and Wonder Woman) and how active it is, at least in Asia.

Can’t wait to see how it does on Switch





As someone who played a decent amount of Infinite Crisis, the DC MOBA from a few years ago that was very clearly ripping off League of Legends but with customized Assets, I am interested in this Phone game being ported to switchfor one reason.

It has Batman.

作为一个体验过Infinite Crisis的人,几年前一款根据DC漫画英雄而做的的 MOBA我非常确定地抛弃了LOL,但是这次不同,我对这款手机游戏感兴趣,只有一个原因。




I’ve been playing MOBA games for a few years now. On the one hand, I’m not sure how big the following will be. On the other though, a portable MOBA game that’s not restricted to a tablet or cell phone could be really nice. I will definitely try this out when they launch beta.




@BERT0503 @dctcool1 Yeah like really huge game in China and it’s gaining popularity in a  lot of regions as well since they are slowly releasing the game in more places now.

The game has also Warner Bros certified DC characters like Batman, Superman and even Joker. It’s hilarious.





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